Apparently there is something called "
Blogs of Note" and this blog was listed there today. Not sure how much of an achievement that is, but thanks to anyone who might be responsible. I write mainly for my own sanity, but it's encouraging to think some people are reading what I write. To that end may I shamelessly plug some of the other blogs I have been building. They are not all in full flow yet, but getting there.
Obviously, the idea is to group my posts around subject matter. Hopefully it is not too ambitious. Time will tell. I think scobb's non-blog will continue to be the place that I put my thoughts on security.
You really are a blog of note. Very articulate for a geek. I'm not fond of anything Microsoft, but I accept that we're stuck with it. I avoid "upgrades" whenever possible. But then, I'm a senior white woman, so what do I know. (SWW?)
Congratulations on being a "blog of note"!
I don't do anything microsoft {shudder} either. I'm afraid to even say it, I might catch something icky.
Congratulations on being a blog of note!
Cool blog, congrats of being a blog note
check my :
Very informative blog!
Please visit Renegade's BS
It is still a blog.
Excellent blogs you have. The security industry is very interesting but I am sure as I have heard had long hours. Excellent blogs and excellent information.
Congrats on being the current blog of note. You might try reading some of Paul Hanly Furfey.
Good luck to you.
Now this is what i call professional writing. I am a technical writer and have a blog that might have similar interest in your field as well.
Bom dia!
Oi, tudo bem? Tenha uma boa semana.
Olha criei um blog o login é joelnteo e a senha 09061964 post a vontade e convide seus amigos a fazer o mesmo. Acesse blogger.com
I just came across this blog through 'Blogs of Note'... am not an IT person though.
congratulations on your new 'blog of note' status!
I resist the Bill Gates' kool aid...
May I also shamelessly plug a blog written by a jock, a war monger, a buddhist, a drunk, and one that believes sweat during peacetime is better than bloodshed during those same wars --
Check it out and let me know your thoughts!
Good job, Man. It's an achievement in my world :)
Randomly, I click on your blog . . . glad to have done it!
The security sites may just help a young gal out some day . . . who knows, but I'm glad to have the opportunity to run across your kind of knowledge.
I enjoy your blog. A little more diverse than the typical blog.
(you have more than one focus)
I enjoy reading about computer security though.
If you want to see a more focused blog, check out mine at http://teachtopia.blogspot.com/
Here, I specifically talk about building my internet empire.
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