The answer could be "a surprisingly large amount," particularly if you used a digital photocopier to make copies of things like your 1040, W2, 1099s, K-1 and so on. We're not talking about leaving your originals in the photocopier, a common enough mistake, but about the fact some digital copiers retain images of those pages until they are over-written by successive copy jobs, a fact highlighted in an AP article last month. This is not a case of unfounded 'fear, uncertainty, and doubt.' The vulnerability highlighted here is real enough to warrant serious attention, particularly in some quarters.
The underlying fact is that many office photocopiers now contain hard drives to which scans of the pages being copied are written before paper copies are printed and those scans are not always erased after the copy job is completed. Steal one of those hard drives and you could get access to some very personal information (and we're not just talking about tax returns and after-hours butt-scans).
The extent to which this 'feature' of digital copiers poses a threat to your privacy depends upon many factors, like who you are and what kind of enemies have you have got. Personally, I'm not too worried. But if I was a key player in a large company in a hotly contested market I would be paying attention to this particular vulnerability.
Note that the possibility someone could read your personal data off the hard drive of a machine you used to copy personal documents is not a threat it is vulnerability--it becomes a threat when a threat agent is willing and able to exploit the vulnerability.
As to exploitation of the vulnerability by a threat agent, the following scenario is entirely plausible: as a key person in your organization you and your spouse are under surveillance by the opposition. They've searched your trash but found nothing useful. Then one of you is seen entering the local copy-shop and spending some time on machine number 9. After you leave, a generic service person enters said copy-shop muttering something about a maintenance flag on copier number 9. He opens the machine, removes the hard drive and mutters something about a spare in the van. Off he goes with a digital copy of whatever papers you ran through that machine.
Variations on this theme are numerous and include the janitor stealing or mirroring office copier hard drives on the night shift (a great way to get a copy of that competitive bid you had to submit in triplicate). Defenses include being more thoughtful about where you do your photocopying, what access you give to the copier, and what copying hardware you use (some digital copiers offer 'safety' features--of which more later).
However, the first thing that struck me when I read the AP article was a sense of deja vu. Hard drives have been built into a lot of large copiers and printers for some time. It was at least 7 years ago that the penetration testing team at my company figured they could run a publicly accessible web site from the hard drive of such a machine located on the internal network of a large public school district (which we had been hired to test, I hasten to add). That tells you a lot about how much thought the folks who design such machines were giving to their potential for abuse.
In other words, many 'new' or 'emerging' information security threats are not so much new as newly realized or newly rediscovered. And this 'newness' is not simply a function of vulnerabilities found or re-found, but also changes in the means and motives of threat agents prepared to exploit them.
Sidebar/postscript: When you read the AP article referenced above you get the distinct impression that it was prompted by copier-maker Sharp and if I were to swap my infosec hat for my entrepreneur hat I'd have to doff it to the folks at Sharp (or Sharp's PR agency) who were behind this. I know from experience it is very difficult to get someone like AP to write a story that comes from your particular perspective. Sharp's perspective is that of a company which has gone to the trouble to makes photocopiers that are more secure (as you can read here). I think this is a good thing and this article was a good fit between education and marketing.
i get a fotocopy just for 3 - 5 cent in malaysian ringgit.
Thanks for giving such knowledgeable
information .really a informative post .
This is a really informative article about the possibility of identity threats from photocopiers. Just wondering, have you heard about any more information about this subject since the article was written?
An insightfull post. Will definitely help.
George - Officetronics Products
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